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"Permaculture is open to everyone, we are all potential designers"


We are at a time when reality and the world are asking us to be sustainable, conscious and proactive.


Permaculture is a useful framework in any discipline, which is why it is one of the tools of the future, giving you a unique vision and power of creation.

Whether you're in architecture, interior design, landscaping, agriculture, education, biology, construction or simply looking for a new way of life, through permaculture design you will be able to generate interdisciplinary connections that will always add up.



Provide a philosophy and action of life according to your needs and the needs of the planet. Permaculture is based on ethics and principles based on observation and interaction with Nature.


Design your project and terrain from Patterns to Details. The final design provides a joint vision of the project along with a detailed action plan.


Designing in a holistic way and in harmony with the environment and the current reality. In these moments of profound changes, Permaculture offers a path through which all beings and dynamics are taken into account to favour cooperation.


Create strategies to transform energy limits and resources. The main axis is the strategies that are in accordance with the limits and resources available both personally and in the environment. Create strategies where the greatest benefits are obtained with the least changes.


Develop analysis, evaluation and maintenance tools that will help you transform your projects based on regeneration. Permaculture design provides a multitude of tools and techniques through which to develop projects that will benefit you, Nature and Society.


Local solutions for global problems. Big changes start with small steps, Permaculture is adapted to each place and person following the functioning of the systems.



In his early 1970s, Bill Mollison described it as "the design of human habitats in harmony with nature".  

In this way Permaculture encompasses all the needs of the human being for its existence and evolution and the power we have as a species to design our way of life in harmony with the other beings that inhabit the Earth. 

To this end, there are three ethics that mark the values necessary to respect and take responsibility for the planet as a home of coexistence with all other forms of life. 

Caring for the Earth, Caring for People and Equitable Sharing 

Contemplating and applying these three ethics in depth enlarges the framework of vision of our purpose on the Planet.

Caring for the Earth involves understanding the planet as a living being, where there are infinite connections and relationships on both a large and small scale. 

Caring for People brings us a level of empathy and wholeness with the other people who inhabit the Earth, understanding that together we can create much more than just as individuals. 

Equitable sharing is the union between the elements of Nature and humans, it is the essence of the healthy relationship of coexistence. 


You can find more information in this article and this manual.


As a fundamental part of carrying out these ethics and creating designs, Permaculture provides 12 design principles. These guidelines help to create, our life and projects, leaving an ecological and regenerative footprint. 

Finally, through methods and a varied number of tools and techniques, strategies and actions can be shaped over time. And thus bring benefit to the succession of Nature and the creation of abundance in any territory.

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