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Permaculture designs create spaces for nature to take its course, bringing beauty and abundance of food and health.  


To create a space with a Permaculture design is to believe and live in abundance, not only because of its beauty and usefulness but also because it provides biodiversity, food, heals our environment and increases our inner wellbeing.


These designs are functional, practical, high performance and low maintenance.              


They combine natural and human resources to create efficient, perennial and economically profitable strategies. 


Overall design      



Through a comprehensive permaculture design get the most benefit from the land, regenerating the nature of the space while reducing the negative environmental impact.  


These designs are based on the needs, resources and limits of the client and the space.


In it you will find an analysis and integral design of your land or project through maps and several explanatory layers of each of the elements, strategies and objectives. Along with the costs and the process of implementation and maintenance.


Using the existing elements, resources and limits, the project will be designed taking into account your needs and objectives. Including the strategies and planning necessary to carry out the implementation of the design.


The elements to take into account will be water, soil, biodiversity, structures, energy, economy and the relationships between these, as well as their location and efficiency.


What this design will bring you:


Analysis and diagnosis of the land or project


Maps and layers of the terrain, elements and energy flows of the farm


Design of the space and location of the necessary elements


Strategies and objectives planning, implementation, costs and maintenance


Short, medium and long term performance


Soil and water management design      

Soil and water design is the first and crucial step for the operation and regeneration of any space and terrain.  


What this design will give you:


These designs are based on the work for the collection, storage, use and recycling of water.  


Water is a vital element, the goal is greater capture and creation of biotopes through soil management to eliminate runoff and soil loss


Conscious and efficient use of water and soil nutrients


Filtering and reusing water to keep it on the groun


     Edible forest design

The design of an edible forest provides you with a biodiverse space and continuous food production.  


What this design will bring you:


These designs are based on the creation of an orchard in which to accumulate the greatest amount of nutrients for the land and the people who occupy it:


Maximum biodiversity of species and vegetation beneficial association and symbiosis between plants, insects and animals


Creation of guilds and succession for the acceleration of the natural process


Creation of a closed cycle following the principles of the function of the forest


  Orchard design and food sovereignty



Good design and planning of a garden provides an abundance of food with the minimum of effort.


What this design will bring you:


These designs are based on polyculture and synergistic farming:


Maximum diversity and beneficial association between plants padding techniques and maintenance of moisture and nutrients


Creation of soil and green manure


Planning and planting using agro-ecological techniques

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